Our Save On Radio Debut!

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A lot goes in to creating a podcast…A topic, great guests, a couple of questions to get the conversation going, and A LOT of editing. Our episodes don’t always sound perfect, but we try our best to ensure it sounds as good as possible. With each episode we release the perfectionist in us has always had a few qualms. So, when the opportunity arose to do Pacific Sound Radio raw, uncut, and live on the air it seemed a pretty intimidating. How are we supposed to sound as perfect as possible now? The point is, we don't.

So here it is, every awkward moment, sneeze, cough, stupid joke, and more. All live in studio every Sunday from 4pm-6pm. And it all wouldn't be possible without the support of the incredible team at Save on Radio, station creator and local entrepreneur Mark Brand as well as the passion for local music that comes from all of us here at Pacific Sound Radio. With that being said, we bring you the the next chapter…Welcome to Episode 6.

This episode features Save on Radio's Creative Theory host Ilya Viryachev who chats with James and Travis about how all of this began, and where he fits in to the world of art, design and launching his own radio show. We also get to follow up with Mark Lingelbach, creator of Lambsbreath. We learn about how he's expanded his sound throughout his releases. He also treats us to a few songs, live in studio! 


Pacific Sound Radio